March 23rd – Website Update

1.  We will be here for at least another year.  However, we are looking for a new home come March 2020.

2.  There are still some major tech issues happening behind the scenes……however….we are slowly ironing them out.

3.  The “daily posts” are back……but….I guess you knew that it……if you are reading this one.

4.  Actually working on a new “classic” actor.  This guy made movies for five decades.  Died in 1978 just two days short of his 79th birthday.  Received 4 Oscar nominations.  That should be…website…permitting up later today.

5.  The last 10 days have been more than frustrating…..sorry for any issues you have experienced.  Things will get better.

(Visited 1 times)

4 thoughts on “March 23rd – Website Update”

  1. Good to know the site is on the mend Bruce.

    And I think I know who the ‘classic’ actor is [cue maniacal laughter] was he born in France?

    1. Hey Steve…why yes he is from France…..Figeac, Lot, France to be exact. As for the site….I am sure in the end… will all work out….just going to be tough getting there.

  2. Thanks for the status update. Glad to see you are able to do daily posts again. Looking forward to the new “classic” actor, whomever he may be and whenever you are able to publish the new page.

    1. Hey Flora….I am also glad the posts are working again. I am done with my classic French star…just my database and my website are still “arguing”….lol… it has been delayed for a little bit.

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