March 31th – 14 Million Views – Thank You

This morning a reader from Ahmedabad, India checked out our Superman The Movie (1978) trailer page….that was our 14 millionth view of all-time.   Thanks for all the support.

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11 thoughts on “March 31th – 14 Million Views – Thank You”

    1 Last week you and I became preoccupied a bit with Mr Willis-Moore and Steve and I had quite a discussion about Alex Leach. Therefore it’s good to be now turning to a subject that doesn’t involve one of your idols, though as you know I’m always quite happy to make it a full house for you by writing about Sir Maurice if anything new on him emerges!

    2 Anyway congratulations on your 14 million. I never guessed that my own addiction to this site would generate those numbers for you – say this is still all about YOU! But think of how that 14 mil might have jumped even further if only you had recognised Supe Returns!

    3 By the way I have been studying your 1955 annual review [invaluable again to one of my private projects] and see that you list Gabby Hayes as a/the star of Jump into Hell but I can find no record anywhere else of Hayes being in that film [though it’s always possible that you are again honouring one of your inflated uncredited cameo guys!]

    4 I well remember Jump into Hell because I saw it on a double bill around 1956 starring Brodie Crawford and “Mrs Robinson” Bancroft and the star of Jump into Hell is in fact Jacques Sernas whom I think was called Jack in the US. He had a brief moment in the big sun when he played Paris in the ill-fated 1956 Helen of Troy starring Bardot and Rossana Podesta as Helen. [You give it a $2.6 million actual US gross against a reported then massive budget of $6 million] The legendary Achilles was played by Sir Stanley Baker the great mentor of Sir Maurice. THERE! –it is a hat-trick for you because I’ve manged to get in a Micklewhite plug

    1. Hey Bob
      1. I appreciate you dragging UMR to 14 million views… did an outstanding job in March 2018….as you made the site have an increase of 16.29% compared to March of 2017….and that even includes a 6 day period in which Google Analytics barely registered any views at all. Total views for the month came in at 374,290 compared to 321,851 in 2017. So job well done. Your support is greatly appreciated.
      2. For the month Ireland came in 17th place for the month….with Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Dundalk and Galway…assuming you are in Dublin…..I am thinking you are the main reason for the 4,110 views from that city for the month… in all seriousness…..thank you….especially with March having so many tech. issues.
      3. My favorite threesome of actors are getting some attention…Caine and Willis have movies in theaters…Steve did his massive Grant update on his video channel….good times indeed.
      4. Currently WoC is doing a massive update on the database….once that is complete…I will check out Jump Into Hell…..and figure out why I have Gabby Hayes listed as the star.
      5. Good trivia on Jacques Sernas….gotta admit I have never even heard of him before….and now he has a connection to Mr. Orlando Bloom. Good Lord Caine additional plug.
      Good feedback.

      1. HI BRUCE

        1 Thanks for the breakdown of your views figures.

        2 No, Dublin is in the south of Ireland and I live in Belfast up North. I don’t know what you know about our political and cultural problems here but many people in the North and the South regard the two parts of Ireland as opposing protagonists in the way that your old North and South were “enemies” and our situation provokes the same strong feelings that would make the the Myrna Loy controversies seem like an agreement!

        3 For my part I am a kind of guy like my Jimmy’s Papa Charlie Anderson in Shenandoah and just want to live in peace with all citizens Ireland wide. But then I’ve been trained by the Cogerson site to “agree to differ!”

        1. Hey Bob…..I thought you lived in Belfast…..but when I saw Dublin was the number city in Ireland….I figured it was you. Now I am trying to locate you on our view map……looking at your location…..we only have a few views from that area….that does not make sense… I think you visited the website more than a few times in the last 33 days. My google analytics page is always lower than all of the view counters we look at….maybe that is one of the reasons.

          Funny line about our Loy disagreement. Thanks for explaining the different areas in Ireland and their view points…interesting to know. “Agree to disagree” is a good way to live life….in my humble opinion. Good stuff.

          It would be cool if we could figure out why so many of your comments get sent to the approval box……it is very very confusing.

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