March 3rd – How About Some Good Thoughts For BERN1960HoF14?

UMR Hall of Fame Commenter…..BERN1960HoF14….managed to do something on Friday the 2nd…..that she had never done before in her 8 decades of existence…..break a bone….or in this case breaking her right hip.   To show you how tough this lady is…….with gusting winds of 50 MPH….she was bringing in her trash can when a wind gust caused the trash can to slam into her and knocked her into the road outside her house.   So for about 10 to 15 minutes she was laying in the street, bleeding with a broken right hip. Luckily a car drove by, noticed her, stopped and called 911.  So bright in early on March 3rd, BERN1960, will be in surgery.  Any positive thoughts would be appreciated.


Happy B-Day Bern1960 – Her Top 5 Movies

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15 thoughts on “March 3rd – How About Some Good Thoughts For BERN1960HoF14?”

  1. Hello Bruce,
    Thank you for the good news from your Mother, i hope it will be better every day until the day of the wedding of your daughter;
    I am going to drink a little glass of white wine just for her recovery;
    À votre santé FoC

  2. Latest Bern1960 update: She has been moved to a rehab facility. The plan is to do rehab for 8 to 14 days there…….then move into the UMR Headquarters…..and then the plan will be to get her back to her house after a month or so. Bern1960’s goals are to see DoC1 (Daughter of Cogerson #1) get married on March 26th…..and then move back to her house. She is already up and walking with some “walker” help….so we feel she will reach her goals. During her stay at UMR Headquarters…..she will be responsible for adding more trailers to the pages…lol.


    Good news and excellent point about stats for elderly people. You can see why at 76 I believed the initial diagnosis that opined I needed a knee replacement and feared for the worst. For about half a century I was a marathon/mini-marathon runner and had to give it up at 70 because my knees hurt so much but when I got that pessimistic diagnosis I feared the damage had already been done.

  4. First of all….thanks for all the nice thoughts and comments….BERN1960 enjoyed reading them from her hospital bed.

    Secondly….after taking yesterday off to recover from surgery…..BERN1960…..with some assistance WALKED around her room today.

    Thirdly…….this is great news…especially if you google ….”Recover from broken hips in elderly people”…the stats are depressing as hell.

    Once again….thanks for all the positive thoughts.

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