March 3rd – How About Some Good Thoughts For BERN1960HoF14?

UMR Hall of Fame Commenter…..BERN1960HoF14….managed to do something on Friday the 2nd…..that she had never done before in her 8 decades of existence…..break a bone….or in this case breaking her right hip.   To show you how tough this lady is…….with gusting winds of 50 MPH….she was bringing in her trash can when a wind gust caused the trash can to slam into her and knocked her into the road outside her house.   So for about 10 to 15 minutes she was laying in the street, bleeding with a broken right hip. Luckily a car drove by, noticed her, stopped and called 911.  So bright in early on March 3rd, BERN1960, will be in surgery.  Any positive thoughts would be appreciated.


Happy B-Day Bern1960 – Her Top 5 Movies

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15 thoughts on “March 3rd – How About Some Good Thoughts For BERN1960HoF14?”

  1. 1 I can certainly emphasise with Bern because as you will partially know this time roughly a month ago I had a serious leg problem in that I couldn’t even walk and had to be carried up to the hospital where the immediate X rayed diagnosis was that I would need a right-knee replacement and the waiting list for that was 2 years.Thus I thought life as I knew it had come to an end for at least a couple of years as it looked as if I would be bed-ridden/chair-bound for some time to come with considerable loss of self-dignity

    2 I was well down in the dumps but the advice is that in such situations still look for positives. You may recall that in Rear Window Jimmy turned into a voyeur though that being a Hitch film it nearly cost Stewart his life! I personally was helped by the thought that in the intervening couple of years I would continue to have TV/DVD movies, Roger’s TV tennis matches, and [hopefully] your site and Steve’s videos to keep me occupied.

    3 So without wishing to seem patronising my advice to Bern is that whilst initially she had a greater nightmare than I she nevertheless is getting her op quickly and her plight should be much short term than I at first thought mine was so she should be even more capable of finding the positives.

    4 In my own case it transpired that it was all a false alarm as the injury had apparently sprung from a fluke twist of the knee which quickly righted itself so that I can now walk as normal and she has the best wishes of a recent fellow-sufferer for a speedy recovery as well.

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom Bruce, I hope she’s feeling a little better and on the mend today. Yes a speedy recovery and get well soon. ‘Mother of Cogerson’.

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