March 3rd – How About Some Good Thoughts For BERN1960HoF14?

UMR Hall of Fame Commenter…..BERN1960HoF14….managed to do something on Friday the 2nd…..that she had never done before in her 8 decades of existence…..break a bone….or in this case breaking her right hip.   To show you how tough this lady is…….with gusting winds of 50 MPH….she was bringing in her trash can when a wind gust caused the trash can to slam into her and knocked her into the road outside her house.   So for about 10 to 15 minutes she was laying in the street, bleeding with a broken right hip. Luckily a car drove by, noticed her, stopped and called 911.  So bright in early on March 3rd, BERN1960, will be in surgery.  Any positive thoughts would be appreciated.


Happy B-Day Bern1960 – Her Top 5 Movies

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15 thoughts on “March 3rd – How About Some Good Thoughts For BERN1960HoF14?”

  1. This news saddens me. Even though I do not actually know anybody from the UMR family this news makes me upset. Hope MoC has a speedy recovery.

  2. Sorry to hear this bad news. Even worse when it happens to a fellow HOF alumni. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Through experience the quicker you get her on feet again the better the long term recovery is. My thoughts to the Cogerson family.

  3. Hi Bruce, best of luck to your mom with the surgery. Wishing her a speedy recovery. Lucky for her she seems to have a supportive environment 🙂

  4. Sorry to hear your Mom broke her hip. My mother and I hope Bern has a speedy recovery.

  5. Yay!!!! She is out of surgery! It went well, surgeon is pleased. Now the hard work of rehab begins

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