May 14th – Congrats to WoC and DoC – Jobs Well Done

  1.  Last weekend DoC (Daughter of Cogerson) got her Masters Degree in Education from Old Dominion University.
  2.  This weekend WoC (Wife of Cogerson) got her Masters Degree in Business Administration from the College of William and Mary
  3.  This now makes me the least educated adult in the house…..but I am ok with that…as they have both been working really hard.
  4.  Congrats to both of these very impressive women.  I am proud to be in their lives.
(Visited 77 times)

4 thoughts on “May 14th – Congrats to WoC and DoC – Jobs Well Done”

  1. Congrats indeed. One master per week is in a family is impressive, you must be very proud! And don’t worry, Bruce you are educated in other ways 😉

    1. Thanks Phil… was a crazy 10 days….as relatives from all around came to visit…..including the in-laws who stayed the entire 10 days. Today WoC and I are taking it easy….as for the first time in almost 2 weeks the house is empty. Yep…they might have Master degrees….but I know more about movies…lol. Thanks for the kind words.

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