10 thoughts on “May 31st – Rest in Peace to the Virginia Beach Shooting Victims”

  1. Thought of you and your family when I heard this tragic senseless news. Rest In Peace to the victims and prayers to their families.

    1. Thanks Stein. Sad times here in Hampton Roads. I did not personally know any of the victims. But have Va Beach friends that knew a few of them….and they are pretty devasted. I can only imagine how rough things are for the families involved. RIP.

  2. I knew you lived in that general area. Glad you and your loved ones are safe. Sadly 12 families are going through a horrible time. It breaks my heart.

    1. Hey Helakoski…..it breaks my heart as well. This weekend has to be really difficult for those 12 families. Three of the victims lived in my city. Our area has 8 cities very close to each other….so those three could easily work in Va Beach and live in Chesapeake. Thanks for the concern….it is greatly appreciated.

  3. That is such sad news. Thoughts and prayers. This world just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

    1. I agree Taylor….it does get crazier and crazier. Rest in peace to the 12 victims.

  4. Mom told me about the tragic news as we know you live in Virginia Beach. So sorry this happened .Glad to hear your family wasn’t hurt. Rest in Peace.

    1. Hey Flora….tragic news indeed. Our local media is really covering this tragedy. Some of the stories of the victims are so heartbreaking. Thanks for the concern…happy to say, none of my loved ones were even near the horrible events. RIP.

  5. Tragic news in my neck of the woods. Years ago, I helped manage the Harris Teeter that is right across the street from where the shooting took place. At this point, praying for the victims while hoping nobody I know is dealing with some tragic news. RIP.

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