May 3rd – Latest & Greatest Lensman Videos – 4 Classic Actresses

Even though Steve has his rankings wrong (lol)…..these are still awesome videos to check out.

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15 thoughts on “May 3rd – Latest & Greatest Lensman Videos – 4 Classic Actresses”


    Usually I can cook up some smart -ass reply or other but I don’t think I can argue with the logic in your 9.36am post.

  2. Steve, wonderful videos! Some great posters and photos! I especially enjoyed Jean Arthur and Merle Oberon…but I guess this is because I love those 2 actresses even more than the other 2- who are great in their own right nevertheless. Oberon had a highly interesting life away from the movies. Bruce, thanks for posting them here.

    1. Thank you Lupino, I’m glad you liked them. Producing these videos has been fun and rewarding, I haven’t seen many of these classic films and looking at the posters gets me in the mood to seek some of them out. Bruce’s website has been very useful in picking subjects and checking out which films should be in the top 10 though we don’t always agree on the rankings. 🙂

      1. Hey Steve, wouldn’t have thought you’re not a classic movie buff! Now I am even more impressed with your videos. Bruce’s website IS very inspiring, I have rewatched a lot of movies after commenting on them here, I’ve learned a lot about the boxoffice successes and failures of many of my fav actors and about their critical reception. I even started to re-read some biographies…so inspiring this website surely is 😉

        1. Hey Lupino, I’ve watched hundreds of classic movies over the years but have to confess I’ve missed seeing many of the moody dramas and romantic movies that have popped up in my recent bunch of videos.

          According to my datafiles I have about 2800 classic movies in my collection dating from 1902 to 1969. No, I haven’t watched them all. 🙂

    2. Hey Lupino….glad you liked these videos. I checked out the Oberon video this morning….thinking I should get her some UMR love too,

  3. Bruce, even funnier I have Cary Grant at no.1 on my Rosalind Russell video and you have him at no.4. Isn’t that hilarious? [Bruce shakes his head]

  4. Hey I’m not the one who has Cary Grant topping all the charts. 🙂

    Thanks for the links!

    1. STEVE

      Yeah! I too am getting a bit fed up with Cary topping every chart.. Who does Bruce think Grant is anyway?- Deanna Durbin or Chuck! The smart Hollywood insiders have long maintained Cary wouldn’t have got anywhere if Mae West hadn’t discovered him whereas the likes of the Duke and Laddie were self-made legends.

    2. Steve and Bob. Well your comments made check and see if indeed was I guilty of a Cary Grant bias.

      So looking at Grant’s Top 20 UMR movies, here the ranking of his co-stars when looking at their Grant movies.

      Rosalind Russell 7th, Jean Arthur 6th, Kate Hepburn 3rd, Irene Dunne 2nd, James Mason 3rd, Hitchcock 5th, Jimmy Stewart 1st, Howard Hawks 11th, Peter Lorre 7th, Frank Capra 11th, Rita Hayworth 7th, Grace Kelly 3rd, Audrey Hepburn 6th, Walter Matthau 3rd, Ronald Colman 7th, Joan Fontaine 2nd and Ingrid Bergman 7th.

      So with the exception of Stewart, no Cary Grant movie was first in my rankings. So I conclude no bias is happening. Heck even Stewart’s #1 movie was when he won the Oscar….with Grant’s awesome support. 🙂

      1. BRUCE/STEVE

        I think that my statement was probably too sweeping so I’ll refine it. I think that what I have mostly noticed is that whilst a Grant movie may not be No1 the actual VOLUME of Grant movies that reach the upper parts of Bruce’s charts outnumber those of other performers.

        1. Well they are Cary Grant movies….so of course they are near the top….lol. We are talking about AFI’s 2nd greatest star.

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