November 26th – Martin Sheen Autograph Arrives – Martin Sheen Page Updated


Thanks to my wife....I have this Martin Sheen autograph
Thanks to my wife….I have this Martin Sheen autograph

While I am in Alaska….these two Martin Sheen autographs arrived in the mail back in Virginia.  My 2016 March birthday gift from my wife just keeps getting better and better.  So thanks to Sunshine (Linda B.) for suggesting a Martin Sheen page in 2011, thanks to WoC (Wife of Cogerson) for sending Mr. Sheen a copy of our UMR Martin Sheen page….and thanks to Mr. Sheen for responding to my wife’s letter…..very very kewl stuff.  Added bonus….added two new movies to my Martin Sheen page….including his latest movie….Rules Don’t Apply.

Martin Sheen Movies

(Visited 84 times)

12 thoughts on “November 26th – Martin Sheen Autograph Arrives – Martin Sheen Page Updated”

    1. Hey Josh….I would have never thought about doing what my wife did….but I can tell you….this was one of the best birthday presents ever!

    1. “I loved Elvis and I loved Brando and Dean – Heck those guys were HIS idols – but towering above them all was GEORGE***.”

      ***C SCOTT – Martin interview in Rolling Stone around time of Apocalypse Now 1979/80

      1. Hey Bob…..Martin Sheen got to work with George C. Scott twice….first on Rage and then on Firestarter….I am sure both experiences are some of Sheen’s best professional experiences. Thanks for sharing the quotes.

    2. Hey In the shadows….thanks for coming out of the shadows for a minute….your comment is greatly appreciated.

  1. My Martin Sheen autograph is on my mantle. I got it on my birthday last year after I wrote him a letter. He is a gracious man.

    1. Hey Flora….that is cool that we both have Martin Sheen autographs. Mine is going on our pretty new “autograph wall”. That sounds like a great birthday present. I agree 100%….he is a very gracious man. Thanks for sharing your Martin Sheen interactions.

  2. This is AWESOME!!! Martin Sheen is a superb actor and I’m very thankful he gave us Charlie and Emilio!! Your wife, Debbie is da bomb!! Congrats Cogerson!!

    1. Hey Sunshine……thanks for your part in getting this autograph. It was like a domino….you requested the page….we wrote the page….Debbie had her autograph dream….she sent him the UMR page…and he responded… could not have had happened any better….thanks again.

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