5 thoughts on “October 6th – The UMR Pages of the Future?”

  1. An excellent idea. Not only would a person stare at the stats of their favorite actor they can also view some movie trailers if they so wish. If I’m curious about a film on your chart I can check out the trailer and see what kind of film it is. Good stuff.

  2. So at work today….a friend of mine was showing off this website. Well the newbie to UMR.com tried to click the movie title…which of course did not work. After my friend said….”I did the same thing when I first started coming to this website”….I started thinking maybe we need to have a link in the movie title column. So tonight I was talking to WoC about this and turns out she was already working towards that anyway. So some quick magic from WoC….and we now have a new looking webpage. The big difference is….every Jennifer Lawrence movie….now has the movie’s trailer attached to the one line of movie information. This is opening up some pretty awesome possibilities. Imagine a UMR page with not only Gregory Peck movie stats but many of his movie trailers? Sound like a good idea?

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