Oscar Night Conversation Between Steve Lensman And Cogerson

For the last six or seven years Steve and I have traded e-mails while we watch the Oscar show on different sides of the big pond that separates us.  This was our conversation this year.

Cogerson – 69 minutes before the show started.

“My official ballot.
Best Picture – 1917 – Parasite is the only one that can beat it.
Best Director – Sam Mendes
Best Actor – Joaquin Phoenix
Best Actress – Renée Zellweger
Best Supporting Actor – Brad Pitt
Best Supporting Actress – Laura Dern
Original Screenplay – Parasite
Adapted Screenplay – Jojo Rabbit
Production Design – Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Makeup –   Bombshell
International Film – Parasite
Costume Design – Little Women
Editing –  Ford v Ferrari….though Parasite might surprise
Sound Mixing – 1917
Cinematography – 1917
Sound Editing – Ford v Ferrari
Best Visuals – 1917
Documentary Full – American Factory Short Skateboard in a War Zone
Animated – The Missing Link
Original Score –  Joker
Song – Elton John

Short Films – Neighbor’s Window and Hair Love”


Steve -31 minutes before show started

” Aloha Bruce, it’s Oscar time again! It’s getting late but I’ll try and stay awake!
Your predictions are usually spot on let’s see how you do tonight.  I’m currently watching Jojo Rabbit. I’m enjoying it so far. I hope it picks up a trophy. It’s nearly finished, has the show started?
I saw 1917 too, good film clever concept but I wasn’t crazy about it. Ford v Ferrari was better.”
Steve – 15 minutes before the show started
“Nope no nephew this time. I’m the only one crazy enough to stay up all night. I have to make some coffee!”
Cogerson – 23 minutes into the show
“One for two. No surprise about Pitt. Did not like Toy Story 4 at all.”
Steve – 40 minutes into the show
“I’m shocked you didn’t list Toy Story 4, I thought you were a huge fan of that franchise. I think the 3rd one was your favorite and it should have ended there?”
Steve – 45 minutes into the show
“Tarantino screenplay lost to Parasite’s English subtitle writer? How does Parasite win Best Screenplay? For it’s Korean words or the English subtitles?  ;)”
Cogerson – 46 minues into the show
“Apparently Parasite was loved by the Hollywood crowd. I have not seen it yet….but I want to.”
Cogerson – 59 minutes into the show
“7 out of 8 right so far……only my bias for Toy Story 4 messed me up. I think they need a host…..this is not too entertaining so far….heck you might already be asleep.”
Cogerson – 1 hour and 13 minutes into the show
“Gotta love that Heston slam. On a roll….9 out of 10. So far no real surprises. Maybe Parasite will shock the world like Moonlight and Green Book did.”
Steve – 1 hour and 24 minutes into the show
“I hope there are a few surprises. You’ve picked most of them so far. I wouldn’t mind Once Upon a Time in Hollywood winning the big one, it would be a popular choice. But it lost best screenplay to Parasite.”
Cogerson – 1 hour 25 minutes into the show
“Goodness gracious…Laura Dern’s shout out to her dad…sent the masses to the website.  I guess I should have had a Diane Ladd page too.”
Of the 50 people on the website…40 were on the Bruce Dern page.
Steve-  1 hour and 29 minutes into the show
“wow analytics I remember that thing at hubpages, would it work as well on youtube I wonder.
Good stuff I wonder if they were surprised that Bruce Dern was her father? Next year make sure all the nominees have umr pages.”
Cogerson – 1 hour and 48 minutes into the show
“That music clip was the first time tonight that they seemed to realize that movie fans watch this show…versus people with a political agenda.  12 out of 13….show seems to going along pretty quickly. I wonder if they had the time to add Kirk into the In Memoriam.”
Steve – 2 hours into the show
“You’re good at predicting these things. I hope they do remember Kirk Douglas In Memoriam. I know they’ll include Kobe Bryant.”
Cogerson – 2 hours into the show
“Hanks just did the I am Spartacus Douglas shout out.”
Steve – 2 hours and 3 minutes into the show
Steve – 2 hours and 17 minutes into the show
“Wow did Romano just use the f word? it wasn’t bleeped!”
Cogerson – 2 hours and 18 minutes into the show
“It was bleeped here.  What did he say?  I have gotten the last 15 winners correct…in case you were wondering.”
Steve – 2 hours and 22 minutes into the show
“Amazing Holmes! oh yeah he clearly said “get the f*ck out of the chair’ no bleep. Maybe they don’t bleep it here because they know only 3 or 4 people are watching it in the UK at this ungodly hour. :)”
Cogerson – 2 hours and 26 minutes into the show
“We heard….the makeup people are great, and I was amazed everyday….then Joe Pesci would arrive and say BLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.  16 in a row.  Parasite was a no brainer for best international film.”
Steve – 2 hours and 28 minutes into the show
“How many awards left?”
Cogerson – 2 hours and 33 minutes into the show
“Six. Song, Score (their next) Actor, Actress, Director, Picture.  https://www.ultimatemovierankings.com/sam-mendes-movies/ I might be wrong…but I just put this page together…if he does not win… I will have to change it.
Steve – 2 hours and 36 minutes into the show
“okay thanks, nearly there.  ooh so confident! 😉 nah he’s the favorite to win, but is that your favorite of the best picture nominees?”
Cogerson – 2 hours and 40 minutes into the show
“Yep…..it is between three movies….1917, Parasite and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. So far no movie has more that two Oscars 1917, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.  Joker finally gets a win. I wonder if I can dig up our other Oscar talks….how many years have we done this Oscar e-mail exchange?”
Cogerson – 2 hours and 49 minutes into the show
“Kirk has to be the anchor of the memorium.  Better fix that Mendes page…lol….first miss in 19 Oscars.”
Steve – 2 hours and 54 minutes into the show

“ooh the first big upset, best director for parasite.we’ve been doing these chats for many years now, at least since UMR started or maybe before that too at hubpages?  Maybe next year do it at UMR and let the regulars in on our chats? Bob would be fast asleep, I doubt he’ll stay up to watch.”


Cogerson – 2 hours and 59 minutes into the show
“Parasite might get the big award. Kirk gets the anchor spot. 3 more awards to go. I might put this conversation on a comment…Bob and Flora might be interested in reading this back and forth.”


Steve – 3 hours and 14 minutes into the show
“Phoenix was the favorite, amazing speech but nothing to do with the film he won for, just say thank you and leave, thats what Joe Pesci did 30 years ago.”


Cogerson – 3 hours and 14 minutes into the show
“One to go. So far…I am 21-2 for the night…not too bad.  Should be the best ever if 1917 can bring home the big prize.”


Steve – 3 hours and 15 minutes into the show
“One of your best scores so far!”


Cogerson – 3 hours and 25 minutes into the show
“Underestimated Parasite. But I did have it as my second choice. 21-3….or 88% correct. Get some sleep….as always….fun talking to you while we watch the same show 1000 miles apart.”


Steve – 3 hours and 30 minutes into the show
“I’m gobsmacked. I would never have predicted that win. 1917 went from favorite for the big awards to some technical awards? Yeah it went off the rails at the end but your scores were still pretty good this year.I have to see Parasite now. Curious to see what the fuss is about. Off to bed. See ya at our usual haunt later today. ;)”


Cogerson – 11:30 PM my time 4:30 AM Steve’s time
“Good night!”

(Visited 1 times)

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