Proposed Book Covers – Looking For Input

Book Cover Option #1

Book Cover Option #2

Book covers designed by Authentic DNA Studio LLC

(Visited 1 times)

18 thoughts on “Proposed Book Covers – Looking For Input

  1. I like the orange one, but I like the fact that the book title is more easy to read in the second cover. You have to work to see the name on the one I like. Either way, they both look pretty sweet.

    1. Hey SteinHoF16….good points…..I agree the title on the gold/orange one is a little hard to read. I also agree they are both good choices. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. Combine them going with the smaller UMR logo on the first and the smaller 50 on the second (not as overwhelming). I like the color better on # 2 because # 1 looks like the cover color of many books I own that have gotten lost in the shuffle so to speak.

    1. Hey Dan. Thanks for the suggestions and the feedback. Your changes look like they might be good ones for sure. I like the color on the second one too. Good stuff.

  3. Hello, I like them both but I believe I prefer #2 – perhaps it could be somewhat lighter in colour. I like the film in No. 2. Sort of like a movie about to be shown.
    Good luck.

    1. Hey Bern1960…..thanks for checking out our book covers. So that is one vote for the gold one, one vote for either and one vote for UMR colored one. Thanks again.

  4. Tough call. Both look nice. I like the design of number 1 but the color of design number 2. Sorry, I know that is a not really an answer.

    1. Hey Taylor….I like your comment…and I feel the same way….I think I like #2 better…..but there are parts of both that I like and parts that I do not like. Good feedback.

  5. I prefer the first book cover option. It represents a gold standard publication. It’s quite startling.

    1. Hey Flora….thanks for the input……at first I did not like the gold one…but it has grown on me since first seeing it. Greatly appreciate the feedback.

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