10 thoughts on “September 14th – Congrats to DoC2 – She Gets To Play Kelsi Neilsen in High School Musical Jr.”

      1. Hey, Taylor.

        Cogerson is a nickname given to the family because they had different last names. Before they married, WofC had the name COates (unsure of spelling), Bruce’s last name is RoGERs, and WofC’s kids from an earlier relationship are named AnderSON (if I remember correctly).

        Congratulations, Sam.

        1. Hey Flora. Great memory of the Cogerson name breakdown. WoC was a Coats versus a Coates…though one time she got called Debbie Jackets….lol. Sam says thank you for the good wishes.

      2. Hey Taylor. Sam says thank you. As for “Cogerson”…..Flora explained it almost perfectly. It is our version of Brangelina…..lol.

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