September 30th – An Update on the Progress of Our Website Overhaul

At times we have taken 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards……but overall we are making some pretty good headway.  Some of the stats?  Almost 300 pages are now dynamic.  Over 16,000 movies have been recalculated with the current average movie ticket cost.  Other changes?  The tables now have more color, a place for Oscar wins and nominations is now on the tables, new Top 25 Yearly Box Office Actor pages are coming and tons of programming changes that WoC is excited about that I do not currently understand.

The amount of hours WoC has spent working on these changes is staggering.  Her hard work is greatly appreciated.  We have spent almost every spare moment for two weeks working on these changes….hopefully we are closing in on the 50% mark. So in closing thanks to WoC….and thanks for your patience as we try and make this website better.

(Visited 95 times)

9 thoughts on “September 30th – An Update on the Progress of Our Website Overhaul”

  1. I just want to tell you both good luck we’re all counting on you!

    Actually that was one of the closing lines from Airplane (1980) but it works here too! 😉

    Keep up the good work. There’s no site like this anywhere on the net.

    Hey wait does this mean if Bruce types a movie title wrong it’s spelt the same way on all relevant charts? Oh dear. [wink] But on the other hand it can be corrected much faster now.

    1. Hey Steve…thanks for the encouraging words. Love the Airplane quote….very fitting indeed. I love your take on this site dynamic….you are 100% correct…..I can now get my mistakes to all related pages so much quicker now….my mistakes will take over the website…lol. It will be like the new Gerard Butler movie, Geostorm…..only I will be the bad guy spreading errors throughout the website…versus a bad guy changing the weather for his evil purposes….lol.

      P.S. is it just me or does Geostorm look one step better than the Sharknado movies?


    1 Lucky W o C is a class act in her own right as she didn’t have a hard act to follow in taking over the site as according to Steve the last one to do that was some automation [and/or Joel].

    2 It will probably be near Xmas before I get to the 61% in my own database but you know here’s the ironic thing. At this point it seems a daunting task to update everything manually but I always find that when an update is completed I feel a bit empty because I no longer have the pleasure to work on it !!. But that’s my problem and your regulars will be well served when the Nick an Nora Charles of this site have completed their own update.[I’m currently updating Abbott & Costello but that’s a labour of love because it’s great fiddling around with the stats for THEIR movies.]

    PS My mind is once more at rest with regard to Raw Wind in Eden. That’s another horrible pun but in truth I feel all your regulars have a duty to do what they can to help you make this site as near perfect as possible.


    1 Teething errors in the massive overhaul of the site being inevitable we were asked to list any errors that we thought had occurred in the changes and it should be noted that whilst the summary at the bottom of Mr Mumbles’ stats table cites 17 Cogerson 100 million crashers unfortunately Mr M has actually now only 16.

    2 The error is probably nothing to do with the new facility or its updates and is presumably a carry-over from the time when Julius Caesar was credited with a Cogerson gross of approx $120 which was subsequently savaged down to around $86 million [Now $88.3 million] I most likely had not previously noticed the inconsistency as I was so stunned by the attack on the gross !!

    3 Reporting the error today obviously gives me little pleasure and it could be argued that with friends like me asking for a reduction in one of his figures poor ole Mumbles doesn’t need enemies like Joel. Indeed Mr M could have been forgiven if he were around to say to me “Et tu Brute?”

    1. I had not so far commented much on the dynamic “Revolution” as I wanted to take time to study a sample of the changes. The patience was well worth it because the updates are quite exciting though I am having to change all my own database figures manually as I am dynamic only as a person! However adjusting to the new figures will keep me happily occupied until after Xmas. I have so amended 16.6% of my existing figures which isn’t bad as the new regime has only recently come in.

    2 To date my personal idols have fared well with the updates and only 2 of their movies seem to have taken a hit (1) poor ole Mumbles has once again had his Superman 1978 figure reduced from a previous first of over $600 to $531million and now to to $510 million but as Joel obviously thought Mr. M got too much money for this movie it does not surprise me that his disciple has a bash at its gross at every opportunity! (2) “He talked to his team of huskies as he drove on through the snow,” Johnny Horton in his hit ballad sang of the Duke’s Sam McCord in the 1960 North to Alaska. It does look though as if Sam’s huskies got their teeth into the gross for the film because I had recorded a previous Cogerson figure of $179 million for that movie but it has been savaged down to some $90 million in the update. Also on the Esther Williams page we have sadly reverted to Raw “Mind” in Eden rather than Raw “Wind”. This site certainly does have a MIND of its own! [Couldn’t resist that rather feeble pun.]

    3 However these are just minor points in relation to an overall massive improvement of this site and The Thin Woman’s husband and wife team of the site are to be sincerely congratulated on introducing a significant new tool for managing the massive number of pages. All stats buffs like me should derive great fun in browsing and studying the results of the additional facility. As Steve would say Vote Up.

    1. Hey Bob…..well….I think….I hope…..I can say….that Raw Mind has been fixed forever…as I just switched the title in the database.

      16% is pretty good. WoC calculated last night we were 61% done based on movies that had been moved to dynamic.

      The last three weekends WoC has taken over the database and done her magic. Please don’t think I am complaining…..the stuff she is doing blows me away.

      Thanks for the kind words about our update. 325 pages now done…including one of the big ones….Top Musicals….which had almost 300 movies.

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