September 30th – An Update on the Progress of Our Website Overhaul

At times we have taken 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards……but overall we are making some pretty good headway.  Some of the stats?  Almost 300 pages are now dynamic.  Over 16,000 movies have been recalculated with the current average movie ticket cost.  Other changes?  The tables now have more color, a place for Oscar wins and nominations is now on the tables, new Top 25 Yearly Box Office Actor pages are coming and tons of programming changes that WoC is excited about that I do not currently understand.

The amount of hours WoC has spent working on these changes is staggering.  Her hard work is greatly appreciated.  We have spent almost every spare moment for two weeks working on these changes….hopefully we are closing in on the 50% mark. So in closing thanks to WoC….and thanks for your patience as we try and make this website better.

(Visited 95 times)

9 thoughts on “September 30th – An Update on the Progress of Our Website Overhaul”

    1. Hey bob….we are currently not accepting donations….but in the future if our web provider keeps increasing the cost of having this website and we never get it monetized….we might take you up on your kind offer.

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