15 thoughts on “September 30th – Our Latest You Tube Video – Our Vegas Trip – Video Has 10 Movie References Can You Spot Them?”

  1. WOW, what a wonderful video. Thanks for sharing. Please send me a photo of the waterfall so I could use it on a card as that was impressive too. Thanks for sharing. Hey, how did it feel carrying Woody around all the time??? Did anyone ask why you had him?

    1. Thanks BERN1960…..I will send you a photo of the Bellagio Hotel….look forward to seeing it on a card. Woody was in a bag most of the time….so he would get taken out….placed somewhere and have a picture taken. On the last night we almost lost him….as I put he in place….walked away and tried to get the picture….when a lady noticed him and started to walk towards him……and I was like….”hey lady that is my Woody doll…back away”…lol. Thanks for checking out the video.

  2. I liked it too. Looks like you had a fun time. You respond when ever you get the time. Ok I like challenges. So 1. Toy Story reference everytime Woody shows up. 2. Diamonds Are Forever shows up at 1:50. 3. North West Mounted Police shows up at 3:23 4. Live Free Or Die Hard shows up at 4:12 5. Rocky IV shows up at 4:12 6. Star Wars at 4:20 7. Raiders of the Lost Ark at 4:25 8. Back To The Future 2 at 4:44 9. The Hangover at 5:29.

    So I am missing one. Guesses the Chinese Theater at the beginning? More than one Toy Story in your count? Another movie in the Planet Hollywood photo? Poster on the wall in the USC archive place? I always liked the Search and Find part of Highlights.

    1. Hey Stein…..you have done well grasshopper….great breakdown on the movie references….in my count I gave Toy Story credit for two…..plus I imagine if you blow up the Planet Hollywood movie you might be able to see even more besides Rocky 4 and Die Hard 4.

      Glad you were able to Search and Find with this video…greatly appreciate your comment.

  3. Nice video, Woody was the star of the show. That zip line trip looked awesome and a little scary too. The Venetian Hotel and room looked impressive. Looks like you really enjoyed your trip. I only spotted the same film references Helakoski did in his post, plus the movie posters on the walls, what did we miss? Was there a ‘Casino’ reference. I think that fountain was also in Ocean’s Eleven, at the end of the film?

    1. Hey Steve….Woody was indeed the star….and this video did not even include all of the Woody shots….as many did not make the cut….I guess I need to have a director’s cut…lol. As for the Venetian….it is probably one of the best hotels in the United States…the lobby area is breath taking.

      I think the only movie you missed was North West Mounted Police….though if you remember from another post one of the posters hanging in one of the photos was The Ten Commandments…so I guess there could be 11….if you count that. As always…greatly appreciate your visit and comment.

      1. Apologies Helakoski, nice to see some ladies posting here, too many men!! And thanks for liking my comments or were you talking to Bruce? 🙂

        1. Hey Steven Leensmen….I think she said she was related to the kid book author named Helakoski…if memory serves me correctly. I take her comment to mean your comments…now I just have to figure out why she thinks that….lol.

  4. Love this video. Thanks for sharing these fun photos. Looks like Woody went everywhere with you. Very entertaining. So with regards to your 10. Let’s Toy Story is either 1 or 3. Diamonds are Forever, Back to the Future 2, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Hangover so that is either 7, 8 or 9. Nice.

    1. Hey Helakoski…glad you liked the video. Woody did indeed go everywhere….he is a much traveled doll. Been across the country three times, Canada, the Gulf of Mexico and lots and lots of trips on the East Coast. In November Woody is headed to Alaska.

      As for the 10 movies….I will copy Stein’s comment. “1. Toy Story reference everytime Woody shows up. 2. Diamonds Are Forever shows up at 1:50. 3. North West Mounted Police shows up at 3:23 4. Live Free Or Die Hard shows up at 4:12 5. Rocky IV shows up at 4:12 6. Star Wars at 4:20 7. Raiders of the Lost Ark at 4:25 8. Back To The Future 2 at 4:44 9. The Hangover at 5:29.” Though my ten included two Toy Story movies…with Toy Story 2 coming from Woody trying to ride with the luggage….which is what he did in that movie.

      Thanks for the comment.

  5. Bad time management on my part….I spent the entire evening putting this video together….now it is late, I work early in the morning….and it will probably be sometime tomorrow evening that I catch up on the comments.

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