September 10th – Good news and bad news.


Gotten a few e-mails and comments informing us that they are experiencing a couple of bad things on our website:  (1) It is taking a little longer for the UMR pages to upload.  (2) They are occasionally getting a 502 Error message when trying to bring up one of our webpages.  So I contacted our web provider and found out a few things…some good and some bad.

Seems our little website has gotten very popular.  That is a good thing….that makes us very happy.  That however is causing some issues.  Seems the traffic to our website is causing a traffic jam on the servers that host our pages.  This is bad for us and for my website provider.  The quick fix…though…an expensive fix….is to upgrade our website hosting agreement.  In baseball terms… might be time to move from the minors and play with the big boys in the majors.

So…as we figure out which direction we want to take….we will be taking a short break from producing new material….we will keep doing our updates to our UMR pages….just not going to create anymore new pages.  So basically this is our way of saying we are sorry for page delays you might be experiencing….and that we are working to get it fixed as soon as possible.

(Visited 341 times)

14 thoughts on “September 10th – Good news and bad news.”

  1. I thought I was imaging that your site was getting a little sluggish. I think this is a better problem to have than let’s say, nobody visited your site.

    1. Hey Stein….I agree there could be worse problems…..but this is a still a pain to be working with….thanks for the support and comment.

  2. I think that is quite normal with your website being popular. Especially considering the fact that this site is powered by WordPress, I think this is quite normal.

    The big problem that the popularity of this site happened when you got Asian lettering when you attempted to complete my requested Robert Montgomery page and your wife saved the computer system.

    I think we should be happy that we have this great site and consider the fact that as a family run site, glitches will happen. But as they are not a site like Letterboxd or TCM, it still will get less issues than those sites because fewer people make comments on them.

    1. Hey Flora….true I imagine those bigger websites had some growing pains too…..but this is a mom and pop operation….and I am hoping the price of these hobby does not get to where we will be unable to continue it. Thanks for the positive thoughts.

  3. Well this is making sense. Thanks for the final pieces to the puzzle I was thinking you had slowed down with no new pages. And I have gotten the 502 message a couple of times. Had not noticed it was taking looker to load. So now those little questions running around my head have been answered. Good luck figuring out the best solution.

    1. Hey Helakoski….sorry you got a 502 message…it might take a little bit of time….but it seems we are headed down the path of expensive but better servers….and that should take care of these issues. Glad I was able to give you the final piece.

  4. Sorry to hear about this Bruce. I was wondering why it was taking longer for the pages to open and I have superfast broadband. The more popular this site gets the bigger the problems. I hope you can work things out. My movie forum has ads all over the place, maybe you should look into that, the appropriate movie and home theater ads might not offend.

    1. Hey Steve. Sorry your superfast broadband was not working on UMR. Seems that for the last few days….all my spare time has been talking to my BlueHost representatives. They are anxious to get me to take a step up. Since I am not 100% sure about that…..they have given some different options… is Cloud Flard our website….which gets the traffic to other servers. One of there experts said it was the only thing wrong with the nuts and bolts of our website. But he said even thought would not raise the ceiling very much…..but it would be a temporary fix. Oh the decisions we have to make. WoC wants any sponsor of these pages to be a relevant one….Online Casinos are not a good match for us. One day…someone besides gamblers will make us an offer….lol. Thanks for your thoughts.

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