Survive The Night (2020) UMR Stats
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UMR Review of Survive The Night (2020)
Another Bruce Willis low budget crappy wannabe thriller. The first half of the movie is at least ok. The second half of the movie is just ridiculous! In a good movie, you put yourself in the shoes of the heroes. Well, the heroes in this one are idiots as they seem to make decisions so the bad guys can keep catching them. In the finale, Bruce (retired cop) comes to save the day. His grand plan? He hands a rifle to another character (somebody who seems to have never used a gun before) and is not seen again until the end of the movie. Final thought: Even Bruce fans need to void this one. 1.5 Stars out of 5.0 Stars.
(Visited 1 times)
Another Bruce Willis low budget crappy wannabe thriller. The first half of the movie is at least ok. The second half of the movie is just ridiculous! In a good movie, you put yourself in the shoes of the heroes. Well, the heroes in this one are idiots as they seem to make decisions so the bad guys can keep catching them. In the finale, Bruce (retired cop) comes to save the day. His grand plan? He hands a rifle to another character (somebody who seems to have never used a gun before) and is not seen again until the end of the movie. Final thought: Even Bruce fans need to avoid this one.
I have no clue as to why this page is getting so many views….but we will take it.