Top 10 John Wayne Movies


Just finished publishing a Top 10 John Wayne Movies You Tube video.  Publishing a You Tube video is not really something new for us…as we have done a few videos over the last year or so.  The fact that we finally figured out how to make a video while using actually movie scenes versus still shots from the movie….is the big news….at least in our little part of the world.

So…since we are so happy with our latest video…we thought we would share the video here…..mainly because our website gets considerable more traffic than our You Tube video channel.  Any thoughts on the video would greatly be appreciated.  To see our UMR John Wayne page follow this link…Ranking 82 John Wayne Movies.

Our first You Tube video using real John Wayne movie clips.

Over the years our John Wayne movie page has been very popular. When we originally starting writing about movies when only looked at modern movie stars.  My mother-in-law suggested that I do a Clark Gable page.  At the time I thought that nobody would be interesting in a Gable page.  Well time has proved that my mother-in-law is pretty smart.  Turns out almost 70% of our traffic comes from our classic movie pages.


(Visited 616 times)

28 thoughts on “Top 10 John Wayne Movies

  1. Love this video he deserved two Oscar Sand if Iwa Jima but thank god he finally received the Oscar in all his movie he made True Grit one of my all time favorite

    1. Hey Debra….thanks for checking out my video….glad you are happy with True Grit getting the overall top spot. That movie had it all box office glory, critic love, audience love and the Oscar voters gave him an Oscar for the role…it does not get any better than that.

  2. To be fair, there are MANY big stars in The Longest Day, so the box office might not be just because of him. But it’s still a very good movie.

    1. Hey Brad…pretty sure Wayne has the biggest role in The Longest Day…it is certainly much bigger than his one scene in How The West Was Won. That is why I included it in the rankings and excluded H.T.W.W.W. Thanks for checking out my John Wayne page.

        1. I agree with you about Mitchum and Fonda..but back then Connery was not yet a superstar…..he was being placed on the rocket launcher to fame….but not there yet.

          1. Okay, yes, that’s true. But there might have been some young ladies wanting to check out Fabian. smile emoticon

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