Top 100 Sports Movies

Want to know the Top 100 Sports Movies?  How about the worst Sports Movies?  Curious about Sports Movies did at the box office or which Sports Movies picked up the most Oscar® nominations and Oscar® wins? Need to know which  Sports Movies movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

This page looks at the Top 100 Sports Movies….statistically speaking. What does that mean? We looked at box office grosses, reviews from critics & audiences and award recognition and put them in a stewing put. We mixed all the stats together and came up with our Top 100 Sports Movies. Our top ranked Sports Movie….was a box office hit, was loved by critics and audiences and even managed to win the Best Picture Oscar®. The following table shows all the stats involved that helped us reach our rankings. Obviously they are way more Sports Movies out there. Is your favorite Sports Movie missing?….just commented at the bottom and we will research and see if your suggestion can crack our Top 100 Sports Movies or check out our even more massive Sports Movie Page.    431 Sports Movies Ranked.

*** During our update we lost our easy to find search box.  Well WoC did some work and found a new way to search through this massive table.  In the second row….first column…you will see “Movie (Year)”.  You can type in a search word here and it will search the table.

Since 1976 it is almost impossible to think about boxing and not think of one of the Rocky movies.
Since 1976 it is almost impossible to think about Top 400 Sports Moviesand not think of one of the Rocky movies.

Top 100 Sports Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Top 100 Sports Movies by the type of sport
  • Sort Top 100 Sports Movies by the star of the movie
  • Sort Top 100 Sports Movies by adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost
  • Sort by how Top 100 Sports Movies were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Top 100 Sports Movies received.
  • Sort Top 100 Sports Movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.


(Visited 1 times)

56 thoughts on “Top 100 Sports Movies

  1. people are always free to spend hours upon hours of making upon their own pages on movies and come up with their own ranking method.

    1. I agree Flora, the power of lists, is it always causes debate and not everybody will agree on the rankings…and yes indeed, I would love to read Mr. Satanism’s Top 100 Sports movie page, and see how many of my movies would make his list. Thanks for the support.

        1. I agree Flora….I found a book in the library yesterday…that was called The Top 100 Sports Movies of all time….and a documentary on the 1936 Olympics came in at # 6 on their list….that book’s number one sports movie was The Hustler…which finished 19th on my list.

  2. Rocky gets #1 again? “How many movies can they make about a brain-damaged wop punching?” – The 100 Best Movies Ever Made …Mostly Suck

    1. Thanks for stopping by and reading my hub Mr. Satanism. I am sorry you think most of the movies are lacking…..I think Rocky finishes number 1 in lots of these lists…because… is one of three sports movies to win an Oscar for Best Picture… is one the biggest blockbusters of all-time……and people generally love the story…especially the first one….I do appreciate the comments.

  3. There are a ton of sport movie hubs on the internet, but I think this one could be the winner. Fantastic job. I would like to see some of my favorites higher, but I like the logic and that table you included. Do you have a table for the ones that did not make the Top 100? I see you say Brian’s Song is ranked 151, so where is that information?


    1. Hey Bern1960……Brian’s Song was a made for tv movie…it was such a success…the producers decided to release the movie at the theaters….because remember back in the early 1970s VHS and DVDs did not exist….so the producers thought they would earn major money….instead so many people saw the movie for free…not many were interested in paying to watch… its box office numbers are very very low….which hurts the score of the movie….but It is a Top 10 movie when looking at critics and audience voting..but it’s final ranking was #151…I appreciate you stopping by and checking out the sports page.

  5. Great page, but I do have some questions (1) Where is Brian’s Song(which is a classic) (2) Are you out of your mind Rudy not in Top #100 and Hoosiers in the 60s and something called Gentlemen Jim in the top 50? (3) You must have some serious amount of spare time on your hands. But I appreciate all the hard work you did, I understand but do not accept your reasoning for the lowness of Rudy and Hoosiers. Awesome JOB.

    1. Hey Shaun….Brian’s Song comes in at number 151….I know pretty low on the Movie Score side of things. But it barely qualified for the list as its run in theaters was pretty limited…if you look at critics and audience voting Brian’s Song comes in at #9. I am sorry that Rudy and Hoosiers are not ranked higher, just like the producers of the those films is sorry that the movie did not earn very much at the theaters…good films that gained noticed on their VHS/DVD releases.

      Gentleman Jim is an awesome boxing movie….one of screen legend Errol Flynn’s biggest hits in his career. Ok now that I am through being defensive…I appreciate your comments, your compliment and you reading my page.

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